God’s Message to Women
”When I created
the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I created man, I
formed him and breathed life into his nostrils. But you, woman, I fashioned
after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too
delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and
perfectly fashion you.
Man was put to
sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity. From one bone I fashioned
you. I chose the bone that protects man’s life. I chose the rib, which protects
his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do. Around this one
bone I shaped you. I modeled you. I created you perfectly and beautifully.
Your characteristics
are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the
most delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the center of his being;
his lungs hold the breath of life.
The rib cage
will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart.
Support man as the rib cage supports the body. You were not taken from his
feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You
were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side.
You are my
perfect angel, my beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a splendid woman
of excellence, and my eyes fill when I see the virtues in your heart. Your eyes
are beautiful. Your lips, how lovely when they part in prayer. Your nose, so perfect
in form, your hands so gentle to touch. I’ve caressed your face in your deepest
sleep; I’ve held your heart close to mine. Of all that lives and breathes, you
are the most like me. Adam walked with me in the cool of the day and yet he was
lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He could only feel me. So everything I
wanted Adam to share and experience with me, I fashioned in you: my holiness,
my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and support.
You are special because you are the extension
of me. Man represents my image - Woman, my emotions. Together, you represent
the totality of God.
So man, treat
woman well. Love her, respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her, you hurt
me. What you do to her, you do to me. In hurting her, you only damage your own
heart, the heart of your Father, and the heart of her Father.
Woman, support
man. In humility, show him the power of emotion I have given you. In gentle
quietness show your strength. In love, show him that you are the rib that
protects his inner self.”
Did you know
that WOMAN was so special in God’s eyes?
Why Go To A
Spiritual Place
Why Go To The Spiritual
Place (Temple/Church/ Mosque/Guru Dwara)?
A ”devotee”
wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no
sense to go to the Spiritual Place. ”I’ve gone for 30 years now, he wrote, and
in that time I have heard something like 3,000 mantras. But for the life of me,
I can’t remember a single one of them. So, I think I’m wasting my time and the
Gurus are wasting theirs by giving services at all.
This started a
real controversy in the ”Letters to the Editor” column, much to the delight of
the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher: I’ve been
married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals.
But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of
those meals. But I do know this. They all nourished me and gave me the strength
I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be
physically dead today.
Likewise, if I
had not gone to the Spiritual Place for nourishment, I would be spiritually
dead today!
When you are
DOWN to nothing.... God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes
the incredible and receives the impossible!
Thank God for
our physical AND our spiritual nourishment!
True Evaluation
Long times ago,
in Egypt lived a famous mystical person name Zun-Nun.
A young man came
to visit him and asked ”Teacher, I do not understand
why people like
you dress in such a way and very simple, isn’t in this
era was
necessary to dress neatly, not only for performance but also
for other
The mystical
only smiled and took his ring from one of his fingers,
and said ”Young
friend, I will answer your question, but first do one
thing for me,
take this ring and go to the market across this street,
can you sell
this for one chip of gold?
Having looked at
Zun-Nun’s dirty ring, the young man became doubtful.
”One chip of
gold, I am not sure this ring could be sold at that
”Try first,
young man, who knows you did it.” The Young man went to
the market
quickly. He offered the ring to the textile, vegetable,
meat, fish
traders, and the others. The fact was that no body was
willing to pay
for a chip of Gold.
He went back to
Zun-Nun residence and reported ”Teacher, no body was
brave to offer
more than one chip of silver.”
With a wise
smile Zun-Nun said, ”Now go to the Gold Shop at the back
of this street.
Show this to the owner or to the gold trader. Don’t
give your price
just listen how much he will pay for this ring.”
The Young man
went to the shop mentioned and returned with a different
expression from
his face. He then reported ”Teacher, the traders in
the market
really do not know the value of this ring, the gold trader
offer this ring
for one thousand of gold, And the value of this ring
was one
thousands times from what the traders in the market offer.
Zun-Nun just
smiled subtly and spoke softly, ”That was the answer of
your questions
my friend, ”Someone cannot be valued only from his
dress ”The
traders in the market” give value like that. But not for
”The gold
So remember all
the criticism, snide remarks which we get sometimes,
are from the
traders, they do not recognize the gold and put value to
it. So do not
lose heart and search for the goldsmiths which will
recognize your
Similarly do not
get fooled by the outer appearances, a brass may look
like a gold but
is not gold. Dig deep before forming an opinion or
judging others.